On Monday 15th February, Sony PlayStation 3 launched their new game, Heavy Rain. Many stars turned up to The Electric cinema to watch a short film by Neil LaBute followed by a discussion with the director himself, BAFTA nominated actor Nicholas Hoult and director Nic Roeg moderated by Hamish McAlpine.
Hamish McAlpine, Neil LaBute, Nicholas Hoult & Nic Roeg
(Photo by Dave Bennett)
Heavy Rain is a dark, immersive and emotionally engaging experience created by David Cage - asking the question: How far would you go for love? Heavy Rain is available from February 26th.
Guests included Chrissie Hynde, Nick Moran and Lindsay Lohan!
Chrissie Hynde
(Photo by Dave Bennett)
Lindsay Lohan
(Photo by Dave Bennett)